The Problem
EZ Sked was created to eliminate the hassle of repeatedly checking for the official schedule, and then having to control-f to find the personally relevant information.
The Solution
EZ Sked is a simple web application that notifies you when the official sked is posted, and searches for a target name of your choosing. You specify the name and rank of the crew member you are searching for, and EZ Sked automatically parses the pdf schedule to find a match.
How It Works
When the official schedule is posted, EZ Sked retrieves the pdf and extracts the text from the document.
EZ Sked uses pattern matching to look through the extracted text to organize it back into duty, flight and simulator lines. The Schedules page allows you to see the full schedule reconstructed by EZ Sked from the extracted text. Once EZ Sked has organized the parsed information, it automatically sends an email message to each of its users, adding a custom note if it determined the user's target crew member appeared on the schedule.
Additional Features
Each user can specify the name they want EZ Sked to search for on their profile page. This page also serves as an archive for all lines previously found for this user, displaying them in a useful table. This can be useful during jacket reviews to quickly access a summary of recently completed events.
The new Performance page makes it easy to get performance data for your next flight. The calculator uses the same formulas powering the excel sheet found on E-Brief, now made easily accessible on your phone.
The schedule deviates on occassion from the patterns this app searches for, resulting in missed lines. You can view how well the parser did by choosing a schedule from the Schedules page and noting the fly and sim 'parse ratios' in the table at the top. These ratios compare the number of lines the parser found to the number of X's indicated in the header of each PDF schedule.
Every email notification includes a link back to the PDF schedule - the app does not parse ground school or notes, so it's imperative to still check the PDF version.
EZ Sked serves instructors and students in Training Air Wing 1.